Friday, October 18, 2013

Joshua's Marching Horn

The easiest of activities to make is a horn.
This is a simple design that only requires a few items.

Construction paper, markers or crayons, 
(or any other media to decorate your horn)
tape and scissors.

 Start by rolling your paper into a cone 
Tape along the seamline in 3 or 4 places.

 Use the scissors to trim off the uneven edge.

Make small slits along the edge of the horn.
Bend the "fringe" out.

Decorate your horn with whatever you would like to use.
You can use markers, or crayons, paint or glitter, 
stickers or foam decorations.

Make small slits along the bottom edge of the horn
and bend the "fringe" out.

Now you can do your own march around 
Jericho....or the kitchen!