Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Shaving Cream World

Gather wax paper, shaving cream, and blue and green food coloring.   

Place some shaving cream on the wax paper.

Place some drops of blue food coloring on one side of the pan and green food coloring on the other side.

Have your child swirl/mix the two colors together, creating the earth!

You can tell others all over the world that Jesus is alive and He wants to be their friend forever!

Special Breakfast

Gather a plate, a knife, waffles or pancakes, strawberries, and blueberries. 

Cook the waffle/pancake and set it on the plate.

Cut the strawberries in half (or quarters) and lay them around the waffle as the sun’s rays.

Give the “sun” a face with the blueberries.   

 Jesus had a special breakfast with His friends on the beach. They were so happy to be with Jesus because He was their friend. Jesus wants to be your friend forever too!

Rock Bin

Gather a bin of dirt and rocks (make sure there is one large rock) and a cup.

Place the cup in the dirt. This is your tomb.  

Have your child role play the Easter story by moving the large rock (stone) in front of the “tomb” opening, and then away from it.

 Three days after Jesus was placed in the tomb, some of His friends went to the tomb and saw that it was empty! The stone had been rolled away! Jesus is alive!

HandPrint Palm Branch

Gather a craft stick, green construction paper, scissors, a pen, and glue or tape.

Trace several of your child’s handprints onto the green paper and cut them out.

Glue or tape the handprint branches on either side of the stick. Then have your child wave their branch while shouting, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Yay, Jesus!”   

The people were so excited to see Jesus coming to town that they starting waving palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Yay, Jesus!”