Friday, October 27, 2017

Star Snack

Gather pretzel sticks, wax paper, a bowl of peanut butter chips (or you could use chocolate chips if your child is allergic), scissors, and a Ziploc bag.

Melt the peanut butter chips in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir.

Place the melted peanut butter chips in a Ziploc bag and press it into a bottom corner.

Cut the tip of the bag to create a piping bag.

Roll out some wax paper and place two pretzel sticks on it (as seen in the picture), connecting them with peanut butter from your piping bag.

Then add four more dots of peanut butter, as seen in the picture.

Add a pretzel stick going from the bottom right peanut butter dot to the top left.

Then lay another pretzel stick going straight across.

Now add one last peanut butter dot to the right side of the pretzel stick you just added, followed by placing the last pretzel stick from the top right peanut butter dot to the bottom left. Your star is now complete!

Let the star sit for a few minutes and then you should be able to pick it up and enjoy a special star snack!

The wise men came to see God’s son by following a star in the sky!