Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wise Men Handprints

Gather a piece of construction paper and washable paint.

Put paint on your child’s hand and make three upside-down handprints to represent the camels.  

Have your child finger paint a star in the sky.

They can then finger paint bodies and heads on each camel to represent Wise Men.

The wise men followed a star that led them to Jesus! They were so glad God gave us Jesus!

Birthday Cakes

Gather a muffin pan, Play-Doh, and candles.

Put Play-Doh in the muffin pan to create cakes and then add the candles!

Once all of your cakes are made, sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.

God gave us Jesus! YAY! Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

Sheep Mask

Gather a paper plate, cotton balls, white construction paper, scissors, and glue.

 Cut the center out of the paper plate for a face opening.

Glue cotton balls all around the outside of the plate.

Cut sheep ears out of the white construction paper and glue to the back sides of the plate.    

Shepherds were watching their sheep at night when an angel came to tell them the good news that Jesus had been born! 

Nativity Play

Gather a cardboard box with lid, raffia or hay, and pieces from a Nativity set.

Place the raffia in the “stable” (box) to represent hay.

Add pieces from the Nativity set and role play the birth of Jesus.

 Jesus was born in a stable with animals and He slept on hay! 
I am so glad God gave us Jesus!

Angel Snack

 Gather a plate, baby carrots, a clementine, and round cereal (like Cheerios).

Place the carrot on the plate.

Place a piece of clementine on either side of the carrot to represent wings.  

Place a piece of cereal at the top of the carrot to be a halo.

An angel came to tell Mary that she was going to have a baby. That baby was Jesus!