Thursday, May 31, 2018

King Handprint

Gather a piece of white cardstock or construction paper, yellow and brown washable paint, 2 paintbrushes, a paper or Styrofoam paper, a black marker, star or jewel stickers, and wet wipes. 

 Using a paintbrush, paint all of your child’s left hand except for the thumb and press it on the paper. Then clean their hand with a wet wipe.  

Using the other paintbrush, paint their left hand’s fingers and a little bit of the palm only with yellow paint.

Turn the paper so that the brown handprint is now facing down and press their left hand onto the paper just above the brown paint. Then clean their hand with a wet wipe. 

Using the black marker, draw a face on the brown handprint.

 Now add stickers to decorate the crown.

For the final touch, we drew hair on our king’s head!

 King Josiah helped people go God’s way even though he was young. You can help others go God’s way too!