Monday, August 1, 2016

The Ark

Gather two small tortillas, 3 pretzel sticks, 
2 graham cracker squares, animal crackers, and a plate.

Tear two tortillas into halves. Lay one half of a tortilla at the center of the bottom of the plate. Then lay two more tortilla halves on top of the tortilla at the bottom of the plate, off-centered.

Break the graham crackers into rectangles. Lay two of the graham cracker rectangles at the top of the tortillas, centered.  Then lay another graham rectangle at the top of the other graham crackers pieces, centered.

 Next, lay a pretzel stick, slanted, on either side of the top graham cracker, meeting at a point in the center. Then break the last pretzel stick in half and lay it in between the graham cracker and top point of the pretzel sticks.

Finally, place 3 pairs of animals on the “ark.”

Now you can eat and enjoy your snack! While you eat it, talk about how Noah trusted God and did what He said. He built a huge ark and put two of every animal on it.