Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hard Things Challenge

Preschoolers have a life full of hard things to do:

Eat your vegetables

Clean up your toys

But God can help us to all the things planned for us, 
even the hard ones.

This spinner can help you and your child make a 
game out of the "hard" things to do.

First, make the spinner!

You'll need a paper plate; white will work, or a bright color works, too!
Scissors, depending on your child's age
Glue stick, brad, and card stock.
Pictures from a newspaper ad or magazine representing things 
that are hard to do.

Cut out the pictures and glue them around the plate.

Let your child draw an arrow and cut it out 
(or you cut it for them)
Use the brad to connect the arrow to the plate

Cut a piece of sticky-back magnet 
and place it on the back.

Now you can put your "Hard-Things-Challenge" on 
the refrigerator to keep it handy.

In the course of the day, when it's time to do that
"hard thing", make a game of it!  
Take your child to the spinner,
Let them move the spinner to that challenge,
then talk about how God will help them do the
hard thing!  Then do it, and make a 
out of the fact that your child beat the challenge!