Monday, December 18, 2017

Feeding 5,000

Gather a brown paper lunch bag, scissors, a crayon, tape or a stapler, 
and a piece of brown and blue construction paper.

Cut the bag in half with the scissors.

Next, cut a strip of brown construction paper and staple or tape it to the 
bag. You now have a basket with a handle!

 Using the crayon, draw 5 bread loaves on the brown 
construction paper and cut them out.

Next, draw 2 fish on the blue construction paper and cut them out. 
Draw eyes and a mouth for extra fun!

You now have two fish, five loaves, and a basket to hold them. 
Count the fish and loves with your child as you put them in the basket.

Jesus fed 5,000 people with just 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. 
Only Jesus could do that. Jesus can do ANYTHING!