Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Gather supplies. You will need wax paper, orange and red 
tissue paper, glue, a box lid, a flashlight or battery operated lights, black 
construction paper and scissors. 

Cut four people out of the black construction paper. 

Tear a piece of wax paper the size needed to fit in your box lid. 
Glue people to wax paper. Three together and one to the side. Fill in with 
tissue paper squares. 

Front of what photo 3 looks like completed. 

Cut out window in box top. 

Glue (or tape) wax paper with people into hole in box top. Cut to 
fit, if necessary! 

 Shine flashlight or place battery operated lights behind the box!

This could be done with wax paper and tissue
glued together as listed in instructions or wax paper and crayon shavings
and melted together with an iron - adult supervision. stick people cutouts or
sharpie drawn.